The Colorado Doula Project is a grassroots non-profit organization that provides free logistical, financial, and emotional support for people accessing abortion in Colorado.

We are a network of Volunteer Abortion Doulas that can help you access an abortion in Colorado as safely and comfortably as possible, with support along the way.

What is an Abortion Doula?

In the most basic sense, an abortion doula can be anybody who provides non-medical support for someone going through an abortion. They are a friendly face, a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, a source of information, and an advocate for their client’s care in a medical setting.

Abortion Doula Training

The Colorado Doula Project operates an online, self-guided Abortion Doula Training. You do not need to volunteer with us to take this training. If you’re interested in volunteering directly with our clients, you must take our training.

Our Volunteer Abortion Doulas are trained to deliver non-judgmental, compassionate support. We’re here to help support you through this experience. Our doulas can drive you to and from your appointment, sit with you in the clinic, or talk with you about how you’re feeling.

Services We Provide

How do I get support?

Our intake team can work with you to find an abortion provider that best fits your needs. We can provide support with booking and paying for transportation, lodging, and your procedure or medication.

Our team can also help with funding for food and childcare. If you have additional needs related to your abortion, please let us know on your intake form.

Through our Abortion Support Network, the Colorado Doula Project helps hundreds of people annually to safely access abortions in Colorado.

After scheduling an appointment with a clinic or virtual provider in Colorado, you can request support on our intake form below. If you need help finding a provider that is best fit for you, let us know on your intake form.

Health Supplies and Other Resources

Do you need a referral for a birth, stillbirth, postpartum, death, or full-spectrum doula?

We can make referrals to providers in Colorado.

We know that reproductive justice isn’t just abortion abortion. We strive to ensure equitable access to all types of health resources.

Do you need condoms, emergency contraception, or other safer sex supplies? Do you need a care package for a self-managed abortion at home or an abortion after care package?

We’ll send you some. Let us know what you need.

Still Need More Information?

Check Out Our Additional Resources:

  • Abortion Funding Outside of Colorado

  • Data, Research, and Statistics

  • Philosophy and Inclusion Practices

  • Reproductive Advocacy

  • Abortion Aftercare

  • Fake Clinics & Pregnancy Crisis Centers

  • CDP in the Press

Our Book Recommendations

The Colorado Doula Project has recommended books related to:

  • Doula Care

  • Abortions

  • Reproductive Justice